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With meketre.org, the Institute for Egyptology and the research group Multimedia Information Systems (University of Vienna), as well as the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), make available a free research tool that addresses scholars, teachers, students and the interested public worldwide. Using meketre.org does not require a special registration and is free of charge. The user is, however, required to abide by and accept all applicable Terms of Use. By using this site, the user acknowledges to have read and agree to these terms.

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The copyright of meketre.org remains with the Institute for Egyptology (University of Vienna), the institution entitled to host and develop it.

Unless otherwise stated (see below), all content on the site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. This means that you are free to share the content by copying, distributing and transmitting it for non-commercial purposes, but please attribute it to the Institute for Egyptology (University of Vienna) and provide a link to its website - www.meketre.org. Furthermore, if you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. For any reuse or distribution, you must make these license terms clear to others.

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MEKETREpository, Thesaurus and Literature Database

  1. All rights to the text material within the MEKETREpository, Thesaurus and Literature Database lie solely and undiminished with the institution that compiled and made this material available. The text material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license .
  2. The published illustrations (drawings, photographs) that have been made available online in the MEKETREpository are regularly provided with bibliographical references in conformity with the stipulations concerning citations in copyright law (§ 46 Z. 1 [Literaturzitat] and § 54 (1) Z. 3a [Bildzitat] des Urheberrechtsgesetzes). They are protected by the individual copyright of their original publication.
  3. Previously unpublished illustrations protected by copyright that have been made available online in the MEKETREpository are properly labelled and the holder of the copyright is duly cited. Permission must be obtained from this source prior to publication of such material in any form.
  4. Previously unpublished illustrations gained through crowd sourcing (upload.meketre.org) that have been made available online in the MEKETREpository are properly labelled and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license .

Citing from the MEKETREpository

In the MEKETREpository, every record of a tomb, a fragment, and a theme is identified by a unique permalink that is shown in the address bar of the internet browser. Furthermore, every record contains information on the authorship (name of the editor) and the date of the last modification. These specifications are displayed after moving the cursor over the “i”–button in the upper right corner of the window.

When citing from the MEKETREpository, user is obliged to quote the relevant permalink. The MEKETREpository is an online tool that is regularly being complemented, extended, and revised. For this reason it is essential to quote the permalink in combination with the date of the last modification. The structure of the citation has been defined as follows: <permalink> (<Month Day, Year>). For example: http://www.meketre.org/repository/theme/393217 (version February 19, 2015).